Anthony Martino Read his story on our blog
Anthony Martino Read his story on our blog
An estimated 2.4 Million eye injuries occur in the US each year.
More than 600,000 are documented eye injuries related to sports and recreation
42,000 of these injuries are of a severity that requires emergency room attention
It is estimated that each year 13,500 legally blinding sports eye injuries occur.
Nearly 1 million Americans have lost some degree of sight due to eye injury.
Eye Injury is the leading cause of monocular blindness
Sports participants using eyewear or sunwear that does not conform to ASTM protection standards are at a far more severe risk of eye injury than participants using no eye protection at all.
More than 90% of all eye injuries can be prevented with the use of appropriate protective eyewear.
84.6% of children do not utilize protective eyewear in situations that represent the risk of eye injury.